Are Banana Trees Herbs? Discover the Facts!

Are Banana Trees Herbs? Discover the Facts!

Bananas are one of the world’s most popular and beloved fruits. They are a staple in many diets, enjoyed for their sweet taste, convenience, and numerous health benefits. But have you ever wondered “are banana trees herbs”? Yes, banana trees are considered herbs because they lack a woody trunk, have a soft, fleshy stem, and…

Can a Rose Plant Grow Without Sunlight?

Can a Rose Plant Grow Without Sunlight?

Rose plants need light to survive and thrive just like any other living thing. But can a rose plant grow without sunlight? This question has been asked numerous times by gardeners, florists, and home horticulturists alike. No, rose plants need sunlight to grow. Sunlight helps the plant’s leaves convert carbon dioxide and water into energy…